
Top 12 Linux Interview Questions and answers

Q1) What is Linux Kernel and Shell? kernel is the core of the operating system that controls all the tasks of the system while the shell is the interface that allows the users to communicate with the kernel. Unix is an operating system. It is the interface between the user and the hardware Q2) How do you check the IP Address? Ifconfig -a or …

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What are Microservices

What are Microservices, an Example and Advantages and Disadvantages of Microservices? Microservices architecture is a pattern for organizing an application into individual services that can scale with demand, It’s  an architecture where every application functions as its own small independently deployable services and these services are deployed in containers, and these containers speak with other …

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What is the Front End and What is the Backend?

What is the Front End and What is the Backend? The visual aspects of the website that can be seen and experienced by users are frontend. On the other hand, everything that happens on the background can be attributed to the backend. Languages used for front end are HTML, CSS, JavaScript while those used for backend include Java, Ruby, Python, . …

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What is Storage Area Network or SAN, What is Network Attached Storage or NAS and what is Disk Attached Storage or DAS?

What is Storage Area Network or SAN, What is Network Attached Storage or NAS and what is Disk Attached Storage or DAS? Lets Start with the most simplest form of storage which could be present in your Home office called DAS DAS Stands for “Direct Attached Storage.” DAS refers to any storage device connected directly …

What is Storage Area Network or SAN, What is Network Attached Storage or NAS and what is Disk Attached Storage or DAS? Read More »

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