What happens when you type something in the url and press enter?

What happens when you type a url in the browser and press enter?

For example, if you type a path in the browser like www.cloud.com.  Browser is a local program like chrome or firefox that is running on your local computer, the OS loads the program, it opens a window which is locally hosted on your desktop.

And when you hit enter after entering the url www.cloud.com in the browser, it has to translate the url to IP address.

A DNS server is used to translate the IP to hostname, ,  It looks in it DNS cache of the browser if it has recently translated, if it does not find it in the browser then it asks the operating system and checks the hosts file of the local computer and then the OS cache.

If it does not find it in the OS cache then it looksup the ISP provider, and it is able to translate the DNS name to DNS IP. so basically now your computer knows that to send packets to cloud.com you have to send packets to that particular IP.

For example in the url “http://cloud.com/home-page”

HTTP:// stands for Protocol or schema,

Coud.com is the domain name

and the path which is Home-page  

In order to establish a tcp connection it has to establish a 3 way handshake that is syn, syn-ack and ack

Syn is for Synchronized

Syn -ack for Synchronized acknowledged

Ack for Acknowledged

Send the http command over the connection you established and with a protocol called tcp,

when you type “https:/cloud.com” into your browser the first thing that happens is a Domain Name Server (DNS) matches “https://cloud.com” to an IP address. Then the browser sends an HTTP request to the server and the server sends back an HTTP response..

  The server is going to take the request that came in looks up the domain name it was requested for and the Resource that was requested. And the program on the remote website is going to evaluate it like apache, Microsoft, nginx, php

The browser begins rendering the HTML on the page while also requesting any additional resources such as CSS, JavaScript, images, etc. Each subsequent request completes a request/response cycle and is rendered in turn by the browser. Then once the page is loaded some sites (though not mine) will make further asynchronous requests

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